I get that Evernote would want to upsell the bigger features, but if a customer simply DOES NOT NEED a powerpoint presentation, why not make it possible to shut off the offer?
I am an artist and designer, and use this app to store crucial customer info, pictures, reference materials and more. 99% of the time it is to contain pictures that I then need to use later - and I do what every other app lets you do… I double click to make them big, so I can work from them. AND THIS OPENS THE IRRITATING POWER POINT OFFER THAT I DO NOT NEED. I am not making presentations. I do not need to make a presentation. I particularly loathe power point anyway, so I would avoid using it at all costs.
I DO however double click images Every. Fraking. Day. And this is the one feature of evernote that drives me crazy. I love being able to organize materials, and with the storage that it offers. Not being able to tie a double click to a “preview” or windows viewer or whatever is gimping the app. Making it go, EVERY time, to an ad for powerpoint… is just aggravating and annoying.
Not Really A Fan Of iTunes about Evernote